Saturday, June 02, 2007


I learned recently from Toast that one of my linked bloggers, Braleigh, has closed her blog. I think it was also through Toast's blog that I discovered Braleigh and learned what a fascinating writer she is, and well-traveled, too.

She hadn't blogged for a month or so, and I don't know if there were some dire circumstances which caused her to quit. Whatever the reason, I hope she's still reading this blog, at least long enough to read my words.

Braleigh, you are missed. I hope you'll drop a comment from time to time to let me know you're still around.


kenju said...

Is the name a coincidence? or was she from Raleigh?

Tony Gasbarro said...

Total coincidence. She's from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. And, though I'm not sure, I think she pronounced it "BRAY-lee." Honestly, though, I pronounce it like the city with a 'B' in front of it, too!