Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Not the Will Smith Movie...

I’m sure it’s not new this year, but it seems everyone is wishing everyone else a “happy 4th of July.” Has everyone forgotten that July 4th is the day this nation observes the signing of the Declaration of Independence? Has the holiday truly been reduced to nothing more than an excuse to light continually obnoxiously larger and louder fireworks, and to drink to excess…though usually never in that order?

Have we forgotten that the fireworks are meant as a symbol of the deadly battles against an oppressive monarchy, undertaken by a volunteer militia that was woefully scraggly and unorganized, but held together by one fine thread of the common purpose of freedom? Have we forgotten that, despite your political leanings or your position on the current state of the nation, today is the day we celebrate us, our country, our way of life? Have a little respect for the land you call home, for your fellow citizens. Rejoice in the freedoms - the inalienable rights - bestowed upon you by the mere fact that you were born here, or through the struggle you endured to get here and earn your right to stay here for the rest of your life.

Any Christian worth his salt would take issue at being wished a merry December 25th. Allow me the peace of mind that comes with believing that you know what the noise of this holiday – one of the few holidays that feels real to me – is all about.

If you’re going to celebrate the holiday, at least get its name right.

Happy Independence Day, Americans!


kenju said...

You are so right! We really should use that instead of the 4th.

ProducerClaire said...

Kind of fitting that I return home and see this blog post - I had a different sort of realization when I was away for the holiday this year. I'll try to blog it later.

I hope you had a Happy Independence Day, Farrago.

Anonymous said...

EXCELLENT point, Farrago. Excellent.