Wednesday, August 01, 2007

In Between

An apology for the sporadic posting. Time slips by so fast, and with the exorbitant cost of iinternet access in the room, getting to the Internet Cafe before 11:00 p.m. gets difficult. Also, I apologize for the scattered nature of the layout. In scrambling to get the posts out, the pictures go wherever the coding says they go, and I don't have time to dicker with them. I'll try to get more done tomorrow, though I'll stuill be two days behind!


kenju said...

I think it's great that you're able to post at all. Still, I look forward to the photos.

fakies said...

Wow, I'm really behind. Just got caught up, and I'm incredibly jealous. Glad you're having a good time on the trip, and lovin' the pics.