Have you ever made a funny without realizing it? I don't mean being the butt of a joke, but saying something clever and humorous – or what others perceive as such – when you were being serious?
Scene: Saturday afternoon at Brother #2's house during the graduation party for his older kid.
Sister #3: Hey [Farrago], guess what I just bought.
Farrago: You got me… what?
Sister #3: A Wii.
Farrago (after a brief pause): Really….
Sister #4 (laughs and slaps my arm): "Wii-lly!" You and your jokes! You just don't stop!
Farrago: I didn't say that! I said, "Really."
Sister #4: Yeah, right. You're such a nut!
I couldn't even deflect credit for making my sisters chuckle. Quietly I thought to myself that "Wii-lly" was pretty darn funny, something I would've been proud of myself to have come up with so quickly. I wasn't even quick enough in that moment to take credit for it. BUT THEY DIDN'T BELIEVE ME!!
The above scenario reveals two things to me: 1) I have comedically cried "wolf" too many times, and now my sisters never take me seriously; and b) still, 25 years after emerging from adolescence, I mumble.
I remember saying something funny the night we all get together here, and I know that the other guy gave me a high-five because of it - but I can't remember what I said. Too bad. LOL
That is wii-lly funny. You need to use it again if the opportunity presents itself!
kenju-- So I'm not the only one! :hi-5!:
nucmed-- I may not have thought it up originally, but that's never stopped me from passing good humor off as my own before!!
Well, mumble and swap W's for R's, apparently. ;)
ellie-- I think you meant "swap 'double-yers' for 'ows.'"
Unintended humor is some of the best around. No effort made on yur part, but people still get anjoyment out of it.
And i just realized that you are not on my blogroll. I'lm goign to go fix that right now. Forgive me for the oversight?
"Wii cked" funny
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