Wednesday, October 01, 2008

My FIRST Meme. I Mean, NOT My First Meme, But... Oh, Just Read It!

Professor, author of Babble From Babbler posted a meme that sent me off on quite a tangent (see previous post below). But now I'm doin' it!

1. Who was your FIRST prom date?

2. Do you still talk to your FIRST love?

3. What was your FIRST alcoholic drink?
Tastes allowed from my parents? Wine or beer. First real whole drink? Harvey Wallbanger.

4. What was your FIRST job?
United States Air Force

5. What was your FIRST car?
Red 1979 Jeep CJ-5

6. Who was the FIRST person to text you today?

7. Who is the FIRST person you thought of this morning?
Me (Hey! My mind was a blank until I looked in the mirror!)

8. Who was your FIRST grade teacher?
Mrs. Erickson

9. Where did you go on your FIRST ride on an airplane?
Back to where we started OR San Antonio, Texas

10. Who was your FIRST best friend, and are you still friends with him / her?
Patrick Powers. Technically, yes. We parted as friends when he moved away, but we've never spoken since.

11. Who was your FIRST kiss?
Just two little kids goofing around? Terri. In a relationship? Beth. With tongue and in a relationship? Linda.

12. Where was your FIRST sleep over?
Tim O.'s house down the street from me.

13. Who was the FIRST person you talked to today?

14. Whose wedding were you in the FIRST time?
My second cousin, Susan's, March 17, 1973 (I still have the gift Playboy beer mug — with the date painted on it — given to the wedding party). I was 8.5 years old. I had to wear a black tux and a lavender shirt with chest and cuff ruffles. I cringe to this day at the memory.

15. What was the FIRST thing you did this morning?

16. What was the FIRST concert you ever went to?
Van Halen. Or maybe it was ZZ Top. They were one week apart and I can't remember which one I went to first.

17. FIRST tattoo or piercing?

18. FIRST foreign country you went to?

19. First movie you remember seeing in the theater?
One of my sisters dragged me along to see Goodbye, Mr. Chips. I was all of 5 years old. She must have been babysitting. I remember I was bored out of my skull and ticked because no one in the movie looked like a potato chip.

20. When was your FIRST detention?
Some time in high school. Once, maybe twice. I was a good egg.

21. What was the FIRST state you lived in?

22. Who was the FIRST person to really break your heart?

23. Who was your first roommate?
In basic training, 21 other guys...can't remember their names. After that, a guy named Vibyral (or Vybiral?), nicknamed "Vibrator," my first real, lone roommate, in tech school in the Air Force.

24. With whom was your FIRST date?


Greyhound Girl said...

Lavender with ruffles?????? OMG- that's the family member you disown, right there and then. mug and age not withstanding.

kenju said...

Geeze - the Professor is RIGHT!! That's a bad combo.

I like ZZ Top, too.

Beth said...

You saw Van Halen live? Ugh, so lucky. I wish I could have seen Van Halen back before Hagar.

tiff said...

What was your FIRST reactio nto seeing all those FIRSTS capitalized?


I'm amazed that you can remember some of this stuff. I'd be very hard-pressed to do so.

Tony Gasbarro said...

beth— Not sure if your lament is connected to my "luck," but I never saw Van Halen with DLR, either. I didn't see my first concert until I was almost 1988...4 years after they dumped him.

tiff— Well, at FIRST I thought the FIRST thing I would do was uncapitalize them. Then, as I attacked the FIRST FIRST, I thought to myself Is this really the FIRST thing I ought to be doing? Shouldn't I FIRST read them all and figure out what all my FIRST FIRSTS were? And then I thought, Damn! I'm FIRSTY! and I said to myself, I'm bit to FIRST, and then I started giggling at myself, and I forgot.