Sunday, March 21, 2010

Resurfacing II

Ooops. Here I am again.... It is embarrassing that I find myself compelled to apologize for the dearth of posts here at FARRAGO lately. I haven't often — if at all — mentioned the other play I was cast in during the run of Lucky Stiff, a drama called Vanishing Points, but we went into rehearsals in earnest mid-January. We closed a four-week run last night. (See reviews here.) Coupled with trying to make rent each month in the taxi, I am left with little time to write.

During the run of Vanishing Points (photos to soon follow) I was also cast in a return to NEIU's stage, an April production of A Tale of Two Cities in which I will portray the evil Marquis de St. Evremonde. Busy? To say the least.

Oddly enough, there haven't been too many new stories from the back seat to share here. Either nothing much of note has been happening, or I'm just becoming desensitized to what does happen back there. Either way, I haven't been inspired much to tell any tales. Perhaps I will.

In any case, I'll probably throw a few things up here in the coming weeks, but as ATOTC gains speed before take-off, be certain I'll disappear again. I'm considering taking the summer off from my pursuit of an acting career and focusing on earning a living, paying rent, and reconnecting with my other passions and friendships. Do stay with me, if I haven't lost you already.
