Sunday, May 21, 2006

The 'A' Hole

Wordnerd personally assigned me a letter with which to begin ten words to describe myself. Sure, she gave everybody else a consonant, but she gave me a vowel. Not only a vowel, but she gave me the letter 'A.' That's a pinky letter on a keyboard! You know what that means? Yeah, it's center row, but still! At least 'U,' 'I' and 'O' are bunched together, meaning one occurs at least as frequently as the others. SHEESH!

Well, here goes...

Anal-retentive - Not Mr. Rogers- or "Monk"-like, but I do get anal about certain things, usually work-related. It really bugs me that nobody at the office seems to understand that the back room in the warehouse, the room I've been made resonsible for, is not - I repeat, NOT - a garbage disposal, yet that's where they dump their empty boxes and crap. Nor are they capable of returning tools they borrow from the toolbox. And I am the only one who can or should repack the light kit after its use. Things can go in there only a certain way, and I'm the only one who knows the way.

Asshole - That's how I act when people traipse across my anal-retentive sensitivities.

Aging - Aren't we all? But, at 40+, things seem to be wearing out and seizing up at an alarming rate: lower back, wrists, shoulder, neck (herniated disc, for cripes sake!). I want to exercise, but I'm afraid something will fall off.

Amiable - Perhaps the word is incorrect, but I seem to be able to get along with just about anybody who is willing to be got along with. I seem to be able to tolerate change and obstacles without much stress...except when I'm driving (refer to 'A' #2).

Abruzzo - The mountainous region in east-central Italy where my Italian heritage lies. With my wife, my brothers, and my father, I visited in 2004 the town in the region from where both of my paternal grandparents emigrated about 100 years ago. Beautiful. Absolutely breathtaking. And I mean the people we met as well as the landscape.

A-POS - Fortunately it's not a type that is in high demand, for I can't stomach the thought of having a needle in my arm for more than a few seconds.

Absurd - At times, my favorite type of humor (e.g. "Monty Python's Flying Circus"). In high school I was even in "The Bald Soprano," by Eugene Ionesco. I didn't get it, but I was in it.

Actor - I discovered it in high school, dreamed of making it my career (and in those dreams I got every role I ever auditioned for), and in life I've kept it part of me, sometimes for real (community theatre), and sometimes only in my dreams (R-rated sex-comedies starring opposite Meg Ryan, Jennifer Aniston, Angelina Jolie and Judy Geeson (huh?))

Accident - It's what I was back in January of 1964 (or possibly December, 1963). My parents were accident prone. They had seven. They finally learned their lesson with me, as I was their last.

Atheist - I don't imagine this one needs any explanation. It's something I felt since around 8th grade (confirm THAT, Father!), and which I learned sometime during high school had a name.

Well, I bitched and moaned about my letter and the difficulty I would have finding ten descriptors, and here I am now thinking ten aren't enough!



StringMan said...

Admirable! I think we'd work well together: your Felix to my Oscar. Laidback is a word that is often tagged to me. I probably couldn't donate blood (O-), but on the other hand, I can quote Monty Python almost skit-for-skit, word-for-word. So if I pissed you off by throwing empty cartons back in the room, you could shout out "You excrement! You whining, hypocritical toadie ..." and I'd know what you were talking about.

mr. schprock said...

Great job, Farrago! I agree that "A" is a toughie, but you did an awesome job, amigo. I give you an "A."

Who the heck is Judy Geeson?

Tony Gasbarro said...

Judy Geeson is responsible for my first true testosterone rush to kick me full into puberty. The film was "Hammerhead," it was on TV in the mid-1970s, and from that evening I have had a weakness for full, pouty lips and blondes in bikinis. Okay, the "blondes in bikinis" was probably inevitable, but I certainly know when it started!

Schprock, since you're somewhat the movie buff, the year before 1968's "Hammerhead," she played Pamela Dare opposite Sidney Poitier in "To Sir With Love." And more recently she played the recurring role of Sandrine in "Star Trek: Voyager." Look her up with my IMDB link.

Search her name in Google Images and you can see some other, some quite tasty, images of her.

ProducerClaire said...

And don't forget "attentive"! And "Able" and "Accepting"