Thursday, June 08, 2006

Who the Heck Reads This?!

Holy Crap! I've had nearly 1000 hits to my blog!! That means that it's an average of 333.33 hits per reader!! No, wait. I figure I have at least 100 of those hits just posting, swearing, correcting my idiot mistakes and reposting, so that puts each of you at about 300 each.

Thank You!

Pay attention to the counter over the next few months, and be sure to drop a comment to me if you're number 1000. If you are lucky number 1000, you win the grand prize: a naked picture of me! (I sure hope I'm not number 1000. I HATE looking at that picture.)

Cross your fingers, and read, read, read!

...No... read ME.


fakies said...

Not 1000 yet. Better luck next time.

mr. schprock said...

Promise a picture of you in a tutu and combat boots and I'll give it my best shot.

ProducerClaire said...

I'm number 998 - what do I win for coming in third and not boosting the stats by refreshing the page twice?

StringMan said...

Number 999 checking in for duty, Sir!

John said...

1005 here. What happened to 1000? I'm guessing they contacted you privately to inquire about the nekkid pics.

Tony Gasbarro said...

Tough luck, Trina. Maybe you'll score at 2000. I've got the thong picked out (those sequins chafe!), but for some reason my camera broke right after I took the 1000th visitor prize photo.

Sorry Schprock. I don't have combat boots.

Claire, what's your address? I'll pose for you in person. It doesn't hold the same mystery as the photo, I know, and the lighting won't be as magical, and then there's the smell, but I'll try to be as quiet and motionless as possible.

Hey, String, any idea who dropped in right after you? The louse never chimed in. That's fine with me. I'll just esnd the photo to someone who wants it... John?