Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Island Attitude

For anyone who's thinking I haven't been posting much lately, or who's wondering why I've taken so long to respond to comments:

I've been in the Bahamas since June 22, and the "high-speed" internet at the hotel (The Atlantis, in case you're wondering) reminds me of the heyday of "fast" internet, when we all logged on at the breakneck speed of 9600bps! Mrs. Farrago suggested that the internet is moving at island pace. "No problem, maahn!" Hence, it's a little annoying to wait for the stupid pages to load, even more so when I'm supposed to have a high-speed connection.

So I'll check in on Blogger only once every few days until I get home July 3, but I may not respond immediately due to the fact that I could be home before anything I send actually posts!

Take care! Send money!


fakies said...

Have fun. Consider me jealous.

mr. schprock said...

Well, I'll just cross the Bahamas off my list of places to go then…

mr. schprock said...

Farrago! Where are you? You must be back by now!