Sunday, February 25, 2007


Wow! I’ve been tagged!

While reading Irb’s blog, I was shocked, appalled and thrilled when he told of his being tagged and, in turn, tagged me!

So now I’m supposed to tell five little known things about me, and then I have to tag five people. I think I can muster up five things no one in the blogopolis knows about me, but I don’t know if I can scrape together five bloggers who read me and whom Irb hasn’t already tagged.

Here goes, Five Little-Known Facts About Me:

1. I once “peeped” on a neighbor boinking her boyfriend. It was entirely by accident (the peeping, not the boinking…though I guess I wouldn’t know about that) as I was walking my dog off-leash in the field beside the apartment complex where I lived at the time. It was raining pretty hard that evening, so I hugged close to the building. I walked past her first floor bedroom window, the light was on, and something in my peripheral vision caught my eye that resembled a guy’s hairy ass in the air. So I looked. And then I watched. Hey, they were the ones boinking with the blinds wide open!

2. I am blind in my left eye. It has nothing to do with Five Little-Known Facts About Me #1 above. At least I don’t THINK it does. I HOPE it doesn’t! CRVO, ensuing retinal hemorrhage, surgery, 95% (my estimate) blind in the eye.

3. I never drank until I was over age 20, and I’ve never done any recreational drugs.

4. I didn’t have sex until I was 21, which has given me second thoughts about my life choices detailed in Five Little-Known Facts About Me #3!

5. I have performed onstage wearing only a towel, socks and shoes.

And there they are, five things you didn’t know, didn’t care to know, and can’t possibly forget about me, no matter how hard you try.

Claire, Chloe, Trina, Toast and Random Squeegee, it’s now your turn.


Ultra Toast Mosha God said...


I like that you performed in such minimalist attire. As for the peeping, well, I probably would have been hard pushed not to look.As long as you didn't film it and put it on the net...

mr. schprock said...

I definitely would have watched too, in a detached, academic, National Geographic sort of way.

John said...

The fact that you've never done any drugs makes number five all the more interesting. At least if you were all hepped up on goofballs you would have had a good excuse.

Wait, were you 21 at the time?

Tony Gasbarro said...

Toast, Schprock: The entire time I kept telling myself I shouldn't be there, but... well... she was pretty hot. And, DAMMIT! She left her damn blinds open!

John: The honest truth, I was in a play in community theatre, and my role was of a husband spying on his cheating wife at a hotel. He is purposely misguided to the hotel pool where he has fallen in (not depicted onstage), and he returns to confront his potential a towel, socks and shoes.

Risu said...

I don't think I could trust anyone who claims they wouldn't have watched...

Kimmy753 said...

Well there's another thing we have in common besides no kids...I have retinopathy in both my eyes due to diabetes. I'm not blind, but apparently there is a good chance of it happening in my future.