Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Hello. Remember me? I have been woefully remiss in contributing to my blog. It's not necessarily that anyone cares, but if one is to maintain a presence somewhere, one has to be... well... present.

Much has gone on in the month and a half since I last posted, mainly in the taxi, as that is where I have spent practically Every. Last. Waking. Moment. of my life recently. Let's see... there's the story about the gypsy kid, and the one about the ousted husband, and then there's the return of the drunk lady, and another about the polite puker.

Last, and certainly not least, is the story of Lucky Stiff, with photos (all of them of me, of course (ooh! Freaky use of "of," no? Heh!)).

With this post to act as a sort of syllabus for the course of the next few, I can be held to sharing all of them with you over the course of the next few days or weeks. ...or months.

Cast and crew of Lucky Stiff, Northeastern Illinois University
Stage Center, November 19 - December 12, 2009, with me
front and almost sorta center, where I belong.



Kelly G. said...

about friggin time!

kenju said...

That's what I was gonna say. About time.

Like the hat. There are some cute girls in that photo - have you tried to date any of them?

Look forward to the stories.