Wednesday, July 07, 2010

In re: Thematic Photographic #104 - Dotty

Carmi's theme this week was dotty things.

Exposed aggregate concrete • Hoffman Estates, Illinois
July 2, 2010



kenju said...'s dotty.

M.T. Daffenberg said...

Hey, you know I'm laughing at myself. Right after I posted your comment, my pc went haywire. Basically, there was much ado about sending it in to HP and them fixing my mother board, etc., and sending it back. So, hear from me once then never again. haha. Now, more important stuff.

Yes, I do play out charactization slowly. And I don't work at the "White Hen" any more. I work as a janitor in a nursing home. Better pay, but, as many others, I hate the job. I'd like to try selling my writing, but my style is a hard sell. I think. Well, thanks and I hope to have a 2nd chapter up very soon. Just needs editing. 3rd chapter is about 3/4 done. Cannot thank you enough for your opinions, seriously. And hope you'll read more.

Taxi driver? It must be at least minimally interesting. . .

Tony Gasbarro said...

M.T.-- Yeah, I wondered what happened. Was afraid I was too harsh. I know how sensitive I am about my writing....

The taxi job has provided some great fodder for my blog, however I too often find myself with too little time to write. One reason can be found here.

Just scroll back to September here at far·ra·go to read the adventures from the beginning.