Saturday, April 15, 2006

More Musical Excreations

I've been playing with Garage Band again. Here is another piece of music (it's not really a song, is it?) that came out of just hitting a couple of keys and hearing something kind of interesting. I've been playing with it for about a month. It doesn't really have a title (I don't know what to call it), but I named it "Happy Light," just so I knew how to find the file again.

And this one

is a piece I first created in 1993 ('92?) on my old Casio keyboard and managed to remember all these years. I gave it the Garage Band treatment a few weeks ago and I've been tweaking it mercilessly since then. I don't know what to call this one either, (it was almost called "Melissa," but she decided not to go out with me, so she doesn't get a song!) but since it's a song(?) I made up in 1993, I've stretched my creative boundaries and called it "1993 Song" for reference.

Feel free to post these elsewhere and make fun of them with your friends.



StringMan said...

Wow, you're getting good with that Garage Band thing! The first one evoked a kind of King Richard's Court thing, with its lead string instrument. For the second one, I pictured it as the soundtrack for one of those aerial photo shoots, where a plane flies along coastal cliffs and mountains ... too bad for Melissa - she had her chance :)

ProducerClaire said...

Very nice! And it evokes some cool visualizations on Windows Media player too...

Tony Gasbarro said...

Thanks. Garage Band seems to help me get my creativity flowing. It's a good feeling. Another story coming soon, and more "music," too.

Ultra Toast Mosha God said...

I have to get round to posting some of my own work.

Damn my technological ineptitude!

mr. schprock said...

Hey, Farrago, I've come back here and tried to download about 3 times but nothing's happened. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Sorry. But you are a multi-talented dude: acting, writing, music. If I weren't so secure, I suppose I would have to hate you.

Tony Gasbarro said...

Nah. If I were talented, I'd be raking in the bucks. I'm slightly touched by something that, once it touches me, it quickly moves away again, and I feel like I'm operating in a fog.

But thanks, Schprock. A compliment from you is like hearing "Awesome drive!" from Tiger Woods!

(Word Verification: oxlikdts. Soundl like any habit has its tragic consequences. I'll know better next time I want to "lik" an ox.

mr. schprock said...

Farrago, this may be too late, but there's a contest you could enter through my blog (write a story based on a photo in 250 words or less). It expires at 8:00 April 27.