Sunday, February 11, 2007

New Link

As a regular reader of my blog, you may notice a new link to the left among my "Better Blogs Than Mine" list. "Sons of July" is an excellent writer, a poet among us who writes from a point of view most of us can't. He is (yet another) writer who makes even the best of my efforts appear a shameful bile of blather and random punctuation. Please pay him a visit.

As a new visitor to my blog, what the heck are you doing reading this shit?! Jump directly to the list of "Better Blogs Than Mine" and read some good stuff!


mr. schprock said...

If those blogs are better than yours, then that's saying something, because yours is wicked pissa!

Now, please, finish your story about Kick the Can so we all can have some closure here.

Tony Gasbarro said...

Hah! You funny! You said "we!"