Friday, February 12, 2010

The Awesome Absurd

I was treated to this sight Thursday morning as I finished my shift in the taxi. The surrounding landscape is a huge pile of snow thrown to the edge of my apartment complex parking lot. Apparently this had been attached to the front bumper of my taxi the night before and probably broke off when my weight hit the seat as I got in. Then, due to an interesting coincidence of timing, clear, cold weather, and the fact that my mind was blank enough to be distracted by such things, I saw it.

Photos ©2010 Tony Gasbarro.
Click on a photo to embiggerate.

The sun was up, but barely high enough to peek over the summit of the snow mountain. The small bluff upon which the "stalagmicicle" stands is just tall enough to be illuminated by the sun around the base of the structure.

The structure itself basks in the the sun, reflecting and diffracting its light in natural perfection.

I look at these photos and can't help but think that it looks like I deliberately lit this scene, but it was just there for me to take in. A little plebeian, I know, but you take joy where you can find it.



kenju said...

Your stalagmicicle is wonderful, and reminds me of some statuary designed to show awe and triumph!

I took joy where I found it for my post coming up on the 15th. Come to see it.

Anonymous said...

Tony, you did it. Thank you.

Hutchlover said...

I have no snow (other than the piles from the plows), and live only a few miles from you.

Much to the dismay of my puppy, who loves playing in it.

Anonymous said...

Nice photo. I'm playing Maggie's trivia and came here to note.


tiff said...

That's gorgeous. Thanks for sharing!