Friday, December 30, 2005

Trying To Keep a Low Profile in Paris

The sign read, "Regardez-vous ici!" I looked, but couldn't see anything. So I tried to look even closer.

The gendarmes de L'Hotel des Invalides told me I was the first person to fall for their little trick in a long, long time. One visit from paramedics and one stern warning by the Paris police later, and we were on our way.

The morning after the aforementioned dinner at Georges. The waiter had warned me that the veal might give me gas, but had I known how MUCH, I'd have steered clear. We don't know yet how much the repairs will cost me.

But seriously. Forties, balding, fatting(?). You thought I was kidding?



mr. schprock said...

Mon dieu! Your pictures are tres magnifique! I fell for that thing with the cannon too, so don't feel alone. I had to walk around with "cannon head" for a week!

mr. schprock said...

I just finished reading your other Paris posts. Outstanding job!

Tony Gasbarro said...

Thank you, sir!

I'm back home now.... :-(