Thursday, March 29, 2007


The latest word on my father is that the cancer has definitely not spread to any other organs. All of the lymph nodes they took and tested were clean.

Now he has to strengthen up for the radiation therapy and, possibly, eventually, surgery to remove the upper lobe of his left lung.

I wish to extend a heartfelt word of gratitude to those of you whose kind words and warm thoughts reached me and my dad. It's odd, this blog thing, that a loose -- if small -- network of strangers can care about another stranger in a dark hour.

Thank you.


mr. schprock said...

I'm just catching up. Sorry to hear of what's going on with your father's health, that everything seems to be breaking down on him at a time when he should be enjoying his golden years. I hope they can stop the cancer. 83 is too young in my book (my dad is 87 and I'm not ready to see him decline and go).

kenju said...

That is excellent news, Farrago, and I know while you still have a lot to go through, you are pleased to know it hasn't spread. Are you still going to be in my area tomorrow?

Ultra Toast Mosha God said...

That's good news about the Lymph Nodes. Cancer can spread anywhere from there, so that's really positive to hear.