Monday, May 26, 2008

Dear Anonymous

Open letter to the anonymous person – or persons – who keep posting pseudo-religious, patently racist brain-puke to the comments section on my blog:

You want me to pay attention to your rant? GET TO THE DAMN POINT! And do it quickly. I might actually read your treatise if it wasn't so god-damn fucking long…and if I had even the slightest inkling of an impression of a suspicion that you had given my words the same respect you expect from me for yours. When I see 60 pages' worth of drivel in my comments, there is only one thing I will do – DELETE.

You see, I have a precious few readers who seem to enjoy the stuff I write, and who occasionally comment. I don't want them to have to scroll through 100,000 words of your hate-induced, keyboard-interfaced free-association just to read the next truly thoughtful and sincere commenter's post.

This is MY blog, and only I* am allowed ramble aimlessly before I get to the main gist of my topic…if there even is one.

So, you want me to read what's on your religion-polluted, bigoted mind? Consolidate HEAVILY, get to the point, and make some damn sense. Better yet? Don't post. I'll gladly read nothing if you'll put it up in my comments.

Thank you.
The Blog Administrator

*and certain select readers


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear they don't just visit me...

fermicat said...

He seems to hit the same blogs over and over. I agree with you -- if that guy wants me to read his stuff, he needs to learn how to edit it down to the essential ideas and leave all the weird-ass ranting out of it.

kenju said...

He hit me again today too, but on the old blog. I think he is hoping to hit those without moderated comments. Luckily, mine are!

Greyhound Girl said...

Thank gawd for moderated comment... I love the delete key!

Anonymous said...

Yep, that idiot seems to post all over. Could be a bot!

Just don't womp me on the head since I use Anonymous to post...OK one day when I find time I may blog, but right now I have too much on my plate to even think about one. You know who I am...when are you heading this way again?

HUGS... "Wave"

Jenn said...

thanks 4 standing up 4 the mighty few of us that have been hit by that thing. Now how do you delete the comments by iit? It has hit my finding me blag a few times.

Tony Gasbarro said...

wordnerd-- Thanks for finding joy in my misery... ;-)

fermicat-- The first time that "thing" hit me, I honestly really really tried to read it, but about 8 paragraphs in it was just the same type of rambling seething hate-speech I've heard from bigots I've been exposed to in my life.

And, dude, have you seen my profile photo? Don't I even look remotely Italian. SHEESH!

kenju, professor-- I had thought about moderating, but I thought it was more fair to let readers express their opinions about me or my writings, and only delete if I feel other readers are offended by something someone wrote here (myself excluded ;) ). Mr. Hate expressed opinions about neither, so 'hasta la bye-bye.'

anonymous wave-- No worries. I don't just automatically delete anonymous posts. No plans to come out there any time soon, and nothing on the work horizon that I'm aware of. Thanks for (continuing) reading!

lucy-- HEY! Thanks for reading! I hope you'll come back. The schlock you found here is not typical of my writi... no, wait... yes it is... I hope you'll come back, anyway...

And to delete comments... go to your blog and sign in to Blogger so it recognizes you as the blog owner, and then click on the comments link in a particular post. When the comments window opens up you should see a little trashcan icon at the bottom of each comment. Click on the icon beneath the offending comment, and Blogger will ask you if you want to delete it forever. In the case of Mr. Hate, you can't hit it fast enough! Enjoy!

Jenn said...

What.. you can't find the big city of Armpit on the map? It is really called Kite. We just made the news because of the mothers day tornado's. Lets see we are about 70 miles south of Augusta, 110 north west of Macon, 45 north of Dublin.... does that help? Thanks for stopping by my blog. :)

Tony Gasbarro said...

lucy-- That helped somewhat... :-)

scarlet-- You need to keep them roosters away from the radio on Sundays, and don't let them go to those KKK rallies any more! It's pollutin' their brains...though it's helping their WRITIN' skills tremendously!

tiff said...

Haloscan seems impervious. For now.