Sunday, June 28, 2009

Examiner Examiner

Both of the regular readers of Farrago may be wondering why I haven't been writing, lately. The answer, frankly, is that I've been writing.

In addition to my EventChaser gig, which seems to happen about once every other month, I just signed on for a "paid" writing gig with

I enclosed the word in quotations because the pay is minimal, and is based on several factors, to include readership, advertising clicks, and how often I send hot, loose women to my manager's office. It certainly won't pay any bills, but think of the exposure! I've been writing naked all week!

I viewed an ad in Craig's List for, and I read their story. It seemed legit and potentially doable, so I responded with which of their topics listed in their ad I might wish to write about. Among the three I chose was the topic of hypermiling. As with, I was asked to jump through a few hoops, provide a writing sample, and then offer some ideas I might entertain for my column.

Despite telling me that it could take up to two weeks for my approval, I was writing that very evening, as once they approve you, they want to see your first article within 3 business days! Also, despite telling me that my first article would not post immediately, pending scrutiny from my manager/editor, it went up immediately after I posted it.

So now I am the Chicago Hypermiling Examiner at I might even be National; as far as I know, I'm the only person writing specifically about hypermiling.

And I don't know how long I can keep that up!

So, please do check out my column, click on a couple of ads, and return often. By the end of next month, thanks to your patronage, I could be buying a cup of coffee. At Starbucks!

1 comment:

kenju said...

I'll go back right now!!