Sunday, June 28, 2009

I Got It, But I Don't Get It

Maggie over at Do These Shoes... passed the above award on to me, as is her privilege, I guess, as a recipient of the award herself.

I am tremendously honored that someone felt I deserve to be so bestowed with such an award... but... I don't know what the award stands for. Maggie wrote that she honored me for "always being an honest blogger" that makes her laugh. She didn't clarify if that laughter came as a result of my attempts at humor, or just as a reaction to the poor quality usually on display here.

I would love to pass it on to someone else, but I don't know for which qualities I should honor any of my favorite bloggers. They all possess distinguishing qualities... except for Schprock; I just like his Boston accent ...and I should like to give this to each of them, but that just smacks of cowardice. For now I shall just selfishly cling to the award, and bask in the vainglorious glow of my übercoolness.

Get your own damn award.


Kingfisher said...

"Get you own damn award."

Ha ha ha ha ha! Great!

Maggie said...

It means when life hands you lemons, you make lemonade. And YOU make the really good kind, like a lemonshakeup that you only gets at the county fair and then crave for a year... Waht was - saying again? +h yeah- cuz you're a good attitiude blogger.

Maggie said...

Actually, that was totally and purely YOU and perfect! I LMAO and that's a lotta laughing! :)

kenju said...
