Sunday, January 06, 2008

Sometimes I'd Rather Not Know

As you may have noticed, I recently switched over to SiteMeter to satisfy my curiosity over who the heck reads this thing. I had learned from reading at wordnerd that, with SiteMeter, I could track the location of readers, which pages they read, how long they visited, and where on the web they came from, even including the search term they entered in their search engine that landed them in my pages. What I didn’t realize was that I can also learn what kind of computer they’re on, what version of which operating system they’re using, and their screen resolution! WTF!

Most who have visited my blog are a close corps of “regulars” who, despite my long gaps of nothing new, keep checking back once or twice a day. Thanks, you guys!

But, as far as strangers go, there is an odd pattern emerging, something I find a little disturbing about my fellow humans, for these searchers hail not only from the United States, but from points across Europe, as well. The search term which has most often resulted in someone opening a post at FARRAGO is “farting keyboard.” I’m certain that they’ve been sorely disappointed, for while they were searching for this, what they found was this post here.

Some may say SiteMeter is a great tool for learning about who you’re reaching, who’s finding you. But I find myself saying, “Be careful what you wish for!”

My fellow bloggers are discovered, and are bestowed with prestigious blogger awards by their vast readerships; I'm discovered by people searching the world over ... for fart sounds.


kenju said...

HA! Could be worse, Farrago! My Statcounter does all the same things as your sitemeter. It is amazing what brings people to me, but the most people of all come to see "whipped ocean", some photos that I was sent in an email and put on the blog. I can't believe so many people want to see that!

fermicat said...

"Farting keyboard" is much crazier than my most common search term, which is variants of "pimp my camry". And far better post fodder! I use StatCounter to track visits. Ain't it cool?

Your readers that check again and again and again without new posts should try a feed reader. Subscribe to your favorite bloggers' feeds and you'll never miss a new post again.

Beth said...

Yes, it could be worse. I was once found because I was writing about my teen and naked was in another post so some perv was looking for naked teens. NOT GOOD! Made me sick for a long time and one of the reasons I won't post a lot of kid pics.

Ultra Toast Mosha God said...

Now you can market yourself as a connoisseur of bowel movement audiophonics.

Every cloud!

Tony Gasbarro said...

kenju-- "Whipped ocean?" Is that the shots of that really fine, thick foam that rolled ashore somewhere...Australia, was it?

f-cat-- So I take it you've written either about being a Camry owner, or being a pimp?

Beth-- I wasn't looking for naked teens; "naked" was a figurati-- ... I mean, it wasn't me! Someone else was using my compu... HEY! The Patriots went undefeated! Did you see that? WOW!

Toast-- Of course this topic would appeal to you!

"Every cloud!" = LOL

Anonymous said...

So that's how I found you!!! :)

Ultra Toast Mosha God said...

I stole that line from Jeff Green. He's an english stand-up comedian

Unknown said...

Never underestimate the power of a fart joke.

...or the duration.

Anonymous said...

oh, what they don't know....

Tony Gasbarro said...

wordnerd-- Oh? I thought I found you when I googled "deranged LSU fanatic." My bad.

Toast-- Jeff has been made aware that you've been stealing from him. Scotland Yard is probably on their way... but seeing as how Scotland is pretty damn far from Bristol, you've probably time to make your escape. You know... right after tea.

scarlet-- No comeback for this one. It's just a damn funny comment!

anonymous-- :^b

Greyhound Girl said...

Sometimes site meters are scarier than they're worth!(I often think- did I really need to know?)

Ultra Toast Mosha God said...

Quite, Dear boy.

Even the boys in blue wouldn't interrupt a fellow's tiffin, what!

John said...

On Jan. 10th, someone found my site by typing: how to find someone to buy form [sic]. I'm sure I can't help you there, buddy. Sorry.

Another person typed in: Meg Ryan's calves. That'd be a cool band name.

tiff said...

A frating keyboard? That's on next year's Christmas list already! Whee!!