Monday, August 18, 2008

Wii Need To Talk

Have you ever made a funny without realizing it? I don't mean being the butt of a joke, but saying something clever and humorous – or what others perceive as such – when you were being serious?

Scene: Saturday afternoon at Brother #2's house during the graduation party for his older kid.

Sister #3: Hey [Farrago], guess what I just bought.

Farrago: You got me… what?

Sister #3: A Wii.

Farrago (after a brief pause): Really….

Sister #4 (laughs and slaps my arm): "Wii-lly!" You and your jokes! You just don't stop!

Farrago: I didn't say that! I said, "Really."

Sister #4: Yeah, right. You're such a nut!

I couldn't even deflect credit for making my sisters chuckle. Quietly I thought to myself that "Wii-lly" was pretty darn funny, something I would've been proud of myself to have come up with so quickly. I wasn't even quick enough in that moment to take credit for it. BUT THEY DIDN'T BELIEVE ME!!

The above scenario reveals two things to me: 1) I have comedically cried "wolf" too many times, and now my sisters never take me seriously; and b) still, 25 years after emerging from adolescence, I mumble.


kenju said...

I remember saying something funny the night we all get together here, and I know that the other guy gave me a high-five because of it - but I can't remember what I said. Too bad. LOL

NucMEd is Hot said...

That is wii-lly funny. You need to use it again if the opportunity presents itself!

Tony Gasbarro said...

kenju-- So I'm not the only one! :hi-5!:

nucmed-- I may not have thought it up originally, but that's never stopped me from passing good humor off as my own before!!

Anonymous said...

Well, mumble and swap W's for R's, apparently. ;)

Tony Gasbarro said...

ellie-- I think you meant "swap 'double-yers' for 'ows.'"

tiff said...

Unintended humor is some of the best around. No effort made on yur part, but people still get anjoyment out of it.

And i just realized that you are not on my blogroll. I'lm goign to go fix that right now. Forgive me for the oversight?

Jenn said...

"Wii cked" funny